How To Stop Google Music From Swapping Clean Songs With Explicit Ones

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The recently rolled out Scan and Match feature of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Music scans your music libraries that are already uploaded on its cloud storage and replaces the tracks with matches in its digital catalog. That’s great, you don’t want to hear curse words when listening to music with your kids or grandma. The music service replaces the explicit songs with kid-friendly cleaned up versions.

How To Stop Google Music From Swapping Clean Songs With Explicit Ones

Though it makes uploading process easy for users, some users have complained that their cleaned-up versions have been replaced by embarrassing explicit lyrics, according to The Verge. The Mountain View, California-based company hasn’t commented on the problem.

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) launched this feature to give customers a free alternative to Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iTunes Match and, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN)’s Cloud Player, for which they charge $25. It allows users to share songs across multiple devices. Google Music cleans up the explicit lyrics by bleeping out curse words. However, it’s tough for this feature to determine whether a song is explicit or clean if the curse word appears only a couple of times in the song.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iTunes Match also suffered from the same problem after its inception in 2011. Have you scanned and matched your music library with Google Music, and your clean songs got replaced by explicit ones? Don’t worry, there is a way to fix it. Just now Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) told Wired that users can change a song’s version by using the PC on which they installed the Music Manager software. Go to the music library, search the song with the incorrect version. Right click on it, and select “Fix Incorrect Match” from the menu. This will immediately signal the Music Manager software to upload the original track.

If you have multiple incorrect songs, unfortunately there isn’t a way to correct all at once, at least for now. You have to do them one by one.

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