Facebook Ad Budgets Increase Faster Than Search Budgets: Kenshoo

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Facebook Ad Budgets Increase Faster Than Search Budgets: Kenshoo

A recent study from Kenshoo indicated that marketers are increasing their Facebook advertising budgets faster than they are for search advertising. During the first part of 2012, Kenshoo’s clients has Facebook budgets up to 36% and search budgets up to 12%.

It’s interesting to point out that marketers are putting more financial faith into social media marketing, despite the recent questioning of effectiveness.

Aaron Goldman, CMO for Kenshoo, said that’s he recognized signs that Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) has become de rigeur in modern day internet advertising. Although they don’t have records or data from previous quarters or years, Goldman persisted that, ” Facebook ad spend growth is generally more consistent than in the past.”

A few days ago, Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) expanded their Sponsored Results test. They made it accessible through their Power Editor tool and added Sponsored Results to Ads  API.

The sponsored results offer a unique service to businesses by allowing them to purchase ads in the type-a-head search result. This makes it easier for advertisers to target ads, applications, or pages to the right potential customer. Sponsored results can’t directly link to another website, but it can link directly to application or other Facebook pages.  Some third party websites use Integrate FB, as it can run advertisements to pages of Facebook.

Utilizing the right advertising methods is key for business survival.  Marketers know that Facebook is still one of the most important websites, and that key alone makes it crucial to include social media into their budget plans. Although some users may be losing interest in Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB), it’s a trend that’s unlikely to die down anytime soon.

Another effective advertising trend that’s growing substantially is mobile advertising. More websites, especially social media giants like Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) and YouTube, are looking for creative ways to boost their income by increasing the amount of ads on their mobile applications.

Marketing techniques are changing fast in order to adapt to the ever-changing fast pace of technology and consumer lifestyles.

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