Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook opposes SOPA and PIPA

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Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook opposes SOPA and PIPAFacebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently released a statement on his own social network opposing the STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT BILL that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on October 26, 2011, by House Judiciary Committee Chair Representative Lamar S. Smith and a bipartisan group of 12 initial co-sponsors.

Since many tech giants and companies like Google, Reddit, Wikipedia were releasing their statements on SOPA, Facebook founder also found it necessary to put forward his reservations regarding the recent SOPA issue.

Facebook Founder In His Statement Said:

The internet is the most powerful tool we have for creating a more open and connected world. We can’t let poorly thought out laws get in the way of the internet’s development. Facebook opposes SOPA and PIPA, and we will continue to oppose any laws that will hurt the internet.

The world today needs political leaders who are pro-internet. We have been working with many of these folks for months on better alternatives to these current proposals. I encourage you to learn more about these issues and tell your congressmen that you want them to be pro-internet.

You can read more about our views here:

Do you think that these steps taken by the  founders and other top executives of big companies will bring any change? Do write your personal views regarding this issue in the comment box below and let us know what you think about it.

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